(1) The State Board or the Committee shall monitor the compliance of the
Standards regarding ground water, ambient air, leachate quality and the
compost quality including incineration standards as specified under
Schedule II, III and IV.
(2) The State Board or the Committee, after the receipt of application from the
municipal authority or the operator of a facility in Form I, for grant of
authorization for setting up waste processing and disposal facility including
landfills, shall examine the proposal taking into consideration the views of
other agencies like the State Urban Development Department, the Town and
Country Planning Department, Air Port or Air Base Authority, the Ground
Water Board or any such other agency prior to issuing the authorization.
(3) The State Board or the Committee shall issue the authorization in Form –III
to the municipal authority or an operator of a facility within forty-five days
stipulating compliance criteria and standards as specified in Schedule II, III
and IV including such other conditions, as may be necessary.
(4) The authorization shall be valid for a given period and after the validity is
over, a fresh authorization shall be required.
(5) The Central Pollution Control Board shall co-ordinate with the State Boards
and the Committees with particular reference to implementation and review
of standards and guidelines and compilation of monitoring data.
Required Document:-
1. Environmantal Clearance After EIA Notification 2006 for New Sites.
2. Form
To Download The Form