The Hazardous Wastes generating units in the state includes
mainly Cement Plants, Iron and Steel Plants, Fertilizer Plants, Aluminum
Plant, Power Plants, Waste Processing Units, Mine Workshops . The hazardous Wastes generated from these units are
mainly used/waste oil, oil sludge, cathode residues, tar residue, lead &
zincash/slag/dross, sulphur sludge
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board has completed
the inventorzation of hazardous wastes generating unit as per
Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.CECB has issued total 359 nos. of authorization to hazardous waste generating units as on 20-04-2019. Board has granted authorization to these units for Generation, Collection, Storage, Transportation, Reception, Reuse, Recycling, Recovery, Co-Processing, Utilisation, Treatment, Disposal. As per third party inventorization report total waste quantity is about 3,14,903 MT(Three Lakhs fourteen thousand nine hundred three MT).
Summary of Hazardous Waste Generation: